Thursday, September 29, 2011

All Things Cowboy

It's Cowboy Poetry Days here in Durango, so the kids were supposed to dress up 'cowboy' for school.
Of course, I always associate this with Go Western Day in Houston (which is in March), so I tend to get confused why the kids are dressing up so early in the year.

And to add to my confusion, I don't think it's possible for Kyle and Reed to have been more opposite while celebrating.

When I told them they needed to dress up like cowboys for school, Reed told me he wanted to be Woody.  Kyle said he wanted to be Jessie.

And the opposite-ness doesn't end at the picture above.

Just check these out:

Reed's cowboy hat

Kyle's cowboy hat

Reed's painted boot

Kyle's painted boot

Reed's cowboy hat color sheet

Kyle's cowboy hat color sheet:

Picture not available since Kyle didn't even color a cowboy hat.

And if you're wondering if any of this surprises me?
Nope, not one bit. 


Anonymous said...

I love those cute little cowboys and there's nothing better than children's art. MR

Jill said...

So fun how different they are! Love it!

GS said...

Love the cowboy picture!!!! And the artwork, how funny.

Anonymous said...

Just love, love that pix of the boys dressed as cowboys!