Monday, July 7, 2014


With all the moving and goings on, it wasn't that I forgot to write about JR in Annie, I just couldn't find my camera to download the pictures.
JR actually tried out for Annie in May at the School of Performing Arts at Second Bapstist.
He sang "Easy Street" and "NYC", read for Rooster and Daddy Warbucks, learned a full dance routine he had to perform, and also tap danced.
We found out over our trip to Denver that he had been cast as Bert Heley (the radio announcer). It wasn't the part he wanted (he wanted Warbucks, I wanted Rooster) but it turned out just fine since we didn't have to spend any of our cruise practicing (which would have definitely thrown a wrench in his rolling in at 1 AM every morning).
I quickly saw I wasn't going to be able to get any pictures from the show (I forgot my big lens) and due to copyright laws we weren't allowed to video tape.
So here's my one picture of him introducing the show. (He's on the end with the hat and bow tie!)

The gist of his part was to introduce Daddy Warbucks and Annie on the radio, then the orphans sing "Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" while they all do a tap routine together.
Dancing is still the hardest for JR, so I was so proud of his tapping. It was very cute.
Even Granny Sherry leaned over and said, "He can tap!"
  I happened across this picture on Facebook a friend of a friend had posted.  There's JR in the back!

And there he is again.

 This one I got off the school's FB page. 

Kyle and Reed have watched the movie version of Annie about a million times so they really enjoyed the show.
And look how cute Paw-Paw and JR look.

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