Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Press Box VIPs

Reed has moved up in baseball from the PeeWees to the Minors (kid pitch).  
Kyle isn't playing baseball this year because it's so time consuming he'd have to give up too many diving practices.

The minors teams are all named after real minors teams, so I was so excited for Reed to have a silly name like the Yard Goats or the Iron Pigs.  

Wouldn't you know it, Reed gets the most boring team name ever.  The Bulls.  
(At least Bull Durham is a movie, but still, such a let down.)

Reed's team name may be lame, but he's got the best announcer in the league.

After their championship basketball game, but before the team party, JR and I took our spots in the press box. 

 JR does a great job announcing, but my ability to keep up with the balls and strikes is definitely lacking.  

JR gets aggravated with my lack of baseball knowledge, but at least I'm good at suggesting which songs he should play next during the inning breaks.

I'm not sure we could look more alike if we tried. 

And as for Reed's game, they lost, but Reed had an unassisted double play on 3rd base. 

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