Tuesday, September 3, 2013

This is How We Roll

Kyle and Reed begged me to let them inline skate to school today.
To be clear, I did not put this idea in their heads.
5 year olds inline skating a 1/2 mile to school does not fit in with my life motto (say it with me):
 "Make it easy on yourself."
But, I did let them go ahead and do it.
I certainly didn't say 'yes' because I'm a nice mom, it was because I knew after doing it once...
they'd never ask again.

They actually did fine, but they quickly learned that a 1/2 mile on a sidewalk with cracks and ups and downs is a lot easier on a bike or scooter.

And that skating is best done in a rink. 
(Though they looked pretty cool walking into Kinder holding their skates.)

BTW, I brought their skate bag with me to pick-up; they didn't even argue when I told them we were walking home.

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