Friday, February 10, 2012

Fashion Fabulous Friday

The Snowdown theme this year was "Once Upon a Time", so there were plenty of costuming opportunities to be had.

Surprisingly, I didn't have anything I thought would work in my prop closet, so I ordered a "fairy tale" costume.
I (having what I'll refer to as "moving brain") thought Snowdown was a week later than it actually was, so my fairy tale costume didn't arrive until the day after I needed to wear it.
(On a related note, look for me to be wearing a hood of a crimson color when Halloween rolls around.)

Knowing my prop closet wasn't going to help me, I turned to my real closet, and lo and behold, I remembered a shower cap Jason's step mom had given me for Christmas.

And from that shower cap, Little Miss Muffet was born.

I don't have a full length shot, but I made pantaloons from some pink and red pajama pants and happened to have a pair of pink striped socks on hand.
So that would be 'yes', I totally pranced around Durango all evening with a shower cap on my head!

The kids sort of dressed up.
JR wanted to be Prince Caspian from the Chronicles of Narnia series, but he couldn't find anything he thought was Caspian-ish enough.
He settled on what he said was a "gangster".
(Not that it mattered, you couldn't see anything under his coat anyway.)

When I left the house, Kyle was wearing one of my tiaras and saying he was going as a princess.
By the time he arrived at the parade with his daddy and brothers, he looked like this.
(And just so we're clear, I was totally fine with Kyle going as a princess.)

And though Strawberry Shortcake isn't a story book character, I did look a bit like her.
So I whipped up a spider bracelet from left over Cub Scout supplies as a finishing Miss Muffet touch.


Anonymous said...

I always thought you looked great in hats even if you end up wearing a shower cap. The spider made a cute accessory. MR

GS said...

Hey, if its not in the shower, it's not a shower cap. Little Miss Muffet would be proud!