Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Reason #46 I Hate To Cook

I always get hurt.

Photo Evidence From Today:
And for an added flair of dramatics, I took the liberty of labeling my injury for you.
Thankfully I don't proclaim to be a good cook, so it makes the way this injury happened a little more bearable.
Ya know the old saying about not being able to boil water? Well, I was able to boil the water. And was even able to pour the boiling water in the sink...but then I somehow lost control of the stupid pot and the top of it (the pot) touched my arm.


GS said...

I hate advice after the fact, but for Mother's Day, are some pot holders in the equation? Your fingers look even more burned than your arm, I would say a rest from cooking is justified and from doing dishes.

Jan said...

no, I just burned below my wrist, my fingers didn't get it.

Allison said...

That could happen to anyone!

Anonymous said...

Oh No. Thank goodness the babies weren't "helping". MR