Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Queen of Updates Too

Update 1-Praise The Lord! JR has given up on Turn off the TV Week. He made it two full days, and it wasn't even the TV that got him. It was the Nintendo. I found him playing that Nintendo like a man possessed. He did better than I could have done. I'm not sure I could have made it 2 hours.

Update 2- My parents made it back to Texas in record time. There was dust flying and tires screeching after my dad got a call from their house sitter that his peacocks were missing. (And I know that sounds like I'm trying to make some witty double entendre, but no, he literally got a call that the peacocks were gone.) As of this posting, the peacock search is still ongoing.

Update 3: All About Me- My cooking injury continues to remind me how my place is so not in the kitchen. Not only does it hurt and itch at the same time, but now I keep thinking I've got some freaky tattoo every time it catches my eye.


Anonymous said...

The grass was green, the roses were beautiful, but the peacocks were still missing when we got home and I'm missing those sweet boys. Maw Maw

GS said...

Have you tried aloe vera - in my eyes, it is a miracle drug and heals all wounds.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jan...don't feel job is in the kitchen and I have the same exact scar in the same exact place :)!!! We can have matching tatoos!!!!! Luv U! kel