Monday, April 28, 2014

Baptism (by what felt like literal) Fire

It rains a lot in Houston. 
(You wouldn't know that from talking to my parents because they can never get enough rain).
But, yes, most people would say that we get a lot of rain.
It seems to have rained every Sunday in soccer season, so here we are in hot and humid May, trying to make up soccer games at 1:00 and 2:00 in the afternoon.
Ya know what you normally do in Texas at 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon May-September?
You stay inside in the air-conditioning.
(You actually go in about 9:00 AM and don't come out til 7:00 PM.)
I thought my poor Colorado babies were going to die, but they held their own, and they didn't look anymore hot and sweaty as the "used to it" Texans.
You can almost see how red Reed's face was in this one.

Despite the heat, they've gotten where they can really kick the ball. 
These are pictures of balls they have just kicked (not balls headed toward them). I'm always impressed when the ball goes flying across the field off the ground.

Our poor children drained the 3 water bottles we brought, so Jason and I went right out and bought them a half gallon water jug.  Maybe that will get them through the next game.

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