Wednesday, October 1, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance

Things are finally getting back to normal around here after the hurricane, so Monday was our first day back at Tiny Tots since the inappropriate laughter incident. I was so busy “marching for Jesus” last time that I didn’t notice that one of the other songs was actually a rendition of a classic party tune. Those of you who don’t know me may not know about my ability to boogie-down at a moments notice. Luckily, I have a group of sorority sister friends that also have a fondness for “breaking into routine”. And when I say, ‘break into routine’, I mean it. Check out this picture from my wedding…And yes, it was my wedding. Jason was just the last piece of the puzzle ;-)

That’s a shot of our I Will Survive number, but we have others. Including one to the tune we were singing at Tiny Tots. I wouldn’t have thought much about it if I had been someplace like Gymboree, but sitting there in the Baptist church I almost had another case of inappropriate laughter. We were sitting on the floor bouncing our babies on our legs (I had one baby on my legs, my other baby was crawling around the room “visiting” with everybody else) when we started to sing:
Ride, Baby, Ride
Ride that pony, Ride

All of a sudden I realized what the real song was; I had visions of my girlfriends and I hitting the dance floor to perform our stylized routine to....
All you want to do is ride around Sally
Ride, Sally, Ride.
I couldn’t believe it! I had just marched for Jesus and now I’m teaching my kids a song to the tune of Mustang Sally. Tiny Tots really is the best entertainment in town...We Baptists rock!


Anonymous said...

It sounds as if Mommy is having as much fun as the Tots at this event. I know Mommy had as much fun at the wedding as anyone else! Love the new cover page!


Me Me Me said...

You know, that song is really called Mustang Allee! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

You go, Mustang Sally! Wish I had been there. Maw-maw

Anonymous said...

I love your new cover page! What a family of super heroes. So what will you be singing next--a new version of Rock of Ages? Sounds like Tots is lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

Jan-send me a traveling Ingy family photo and you can go with us to North Carolina next weekend to visit The Biltmore Estate for a 2nd annual Mother-Daughter Weekend.