Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Change We Can Be...Wrapping Ourselves Up in Coats About

Jason and I have been doing a little Durango research in anticipation of the big move, and though we do know a thing or two about cold weather, (I've been known to ride JR to school on the back of my bike in the Chinese is that?) it sure is easy to forget. These statistics seem a bit daunting...but I believe we are up to the challenge!

*An apology to all my non-American readers, all measurements will be given in US Standard Units.

Average High Temp January:
Durango-35, Houston-62.3
Average Low Temp January:
Durango-3.9, Houston-41.2
Average High Temp July:
Durango-86.8, Houston-93.6
Average Low Temp July:
Durango- 55.8, Houston-73.5

Change doesn't stop in the temperature department. Check these out!
Durango-15, 878/ Houston-2.2 million
(and to really blow your mind, the population of Beijing- 17.4 million)
County Population:
La Plata County-48, 019/Harris County-4 million
Durango-4.37 square miles, Houston-601.7 square miles
Durango-6,512 feet above sea level, Houston-50 feet

No where near the culture shock we had in Beijing, but it certainly isn't Houston!

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