Sunday, November 23, 2008

Oh So Sweet!

It was my turn to watch JR's class at church today so Kyle and Reed were the last ones to be picked up from their room (I had to wait until all the kids from JR's room were picked up before I could go get them). Since there wasn't a crowd of women grabbing up their babies, the nursery worker and I were able to chat for a minute. She starts telling me how the babies were good and how they had fun playing and then she says, (Now I'm warning you, here comes the "oh that is so sweet" part of the story) " Kyle really looks out for Reed."
Me: "Really?"
Nursery Lady: "Oh, yes he kept an eye on him at all times. He always wanted to know where he was in the room. If any of the other babies got close to him, Kyle would come over and get in between them. He was very protective."
Oh, yes. My heart melted. And even after all the pacifier stealing, Kyle is still looking out for his brother!


Me Me Me said...

Awwwww, reminds me of my friend Tracy's twins. Emma always has to know where Parker is. I loved hearing her call his name, Pawkerrrrrrr!

Friedt Family said...

Awww, what a sweet little guy, looking out for his brother!

Anonymous said...

That is soooo sweet!