Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Max and Ruby (And Reed)

We're big Max and Ruby fans in this house.
(You can see my Can't Sit Up Slug reference here.)

Bunny Cakes has been in the top 10 of the Ingy Bedtime Story Favorites for a solid 7 years.
(It still even has the Chinese price tag on the back.  I paid 36 RMB, about $4, for it. )

If you're not familiar with Bunny Cakes, I'll give you the lowdown:
Max continuously spills Ruby's cake ingredients, so he has to keep going back to the store with a list of food items. 
(Max isn't old enough to talk, but can run errands alone.)  
Max wants some 'Red-Hot Marshmallow Squirters', so he adds them to the list each time.
 But, alas, the grocer can't read his handwriting.  Finally, Max draws a picture of the RHMS, and the grocer knows what he wants.

All that back story to show you the results of Reed's self taught name writing practice.

Which I just love since  'Reed' looks so much like Max's 'Red-Hot Marshmallow Squirters'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The odd thing is: After having taught for 43 years, I can read his writing. MR