Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall and Frostbite Part 2

It was only 35 this morning, so JR and I made a deal that if it's freezing he has to wear pants. Not freezing: he can wear shorts. I know, I've got amazing mothering skills. I'm still not exactly sure why we're making deals over whether he can wear shorts or not. I, for one, was trying to put on as many layers as I could find this morning!
In other autumn news, the babies and I went for a little fall walk today, and thought y'all might enjoy seeing some of the color changes here in these parts. (Especially you people of my homeland since Texas isn't exactly known for its leaf changing.) I took a little pre-walk photo so you could see how we are dressing for the elements these days (if you're not a 6 year old begging to wear shorts). Notice the babies are wearing jackets and sun hats. Even though it's cold, we're still at 7,500 ft elevation and the sun is as bright as can be! Cold and sunburned? Yep, Texas this is not.

So here are some of the pretty colors around the neighborhood.'s fall!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the fall pix!