Thursday, May 12, 2011

10 Days Later

On May 1st we got a good 4 inches of snow.
I was not excited.

Then, yesterday, on the morning of May 11, I walked out on my front porch to this.

The day went on, the snow melted.
And then I got a call from Jason last night.

 One thing about Durango is it's really hard to get here.
Jason had been in Salt Lake City, but of course, had to change planes in Denver.

When he called me he was sitting on the runway in Denver.
It was snowing.

He posted this picture on Facebook
And he sat on the runway for 3 1/2 hours waiting for the plane to be de-iced.

And just in case you missed that...
sat on the runway for 3 1/2 hours

He made it home about 1:00 AM last night.
It took him 11 hours to get home from Salt Lake City.
He could have driven it in 7.

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