Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Shirtless Wonder Strikes Again

We went to eat at McDonald's last night to celebrate Cassidy's son, Knox's, 2nd birthday.

Here's a picture of the "party guests".
I've given them disguises to see if you can pick out an Ingersoll without looking at their faces.
The shirless one belongs to me.
(I also claim two of the others.)

I promise he arrived wearing a shirt.
 But after awhile he came out of the playground, handed me his shirt, and said, "Here. I'm hot."

Jason was out late on a fishing trip for work, so I sent him this picture with the following text:
Your child decided 2 B shirtless at McDonald's.

Jason's reply:
Is that appropriate?
I have caught 4 fish!

All about priorities in the Ingy house.
We might have a shirtless child running around McDonald's, but hey, it's all good.
Jason caught four fish!


Anonymous said...

Are the fish for the bear to eat? Oops, just remembered..there is no bear. Kyle is going to pass out when he gets to TEXAS. It's already 90*. MR

Anonymous said...

In fact it was 94* at College Station today.

GS said...

Faces and surroundings are all very familiar - believe it or not, I found the time in McDonalds to be my personal quiet time!

Angie Vik said...

Your son makes me cold just looking at him.

My girls are like that with shoes. My youngest is 12 and she still does it. We had a ladies tea at church Friday night and she's all dressed up and the first thing she does is take off her shoes. Oh well, they last longer that way.