Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Polar Lands (And NOT Durango This Time)

I went to JR's school yesterday to see his Power Point presentation on the Polar Lands.
Would ya look at that?
 Just as the super-divas before him (Cher, Madonna, Prince) he's already identifying himself by one name.

I know I'm showing my age here, but I still can't get over kids using Power Point.
After my first year of teaching I took a summer school "technology class" at SFA.
They taught us how to use Power Point (and send emails).
 I was the only teacher in my school that knew how to use it.

And I'm going to have to be the bragging mom here for a second, because JR did great.
His speaking voice was nice, slow, and clear.
And he worked that computer like a master.
I've seen Jason do lots of public speaking, and he really reminded me of him.
(And, of course, having a touch of my flair for the dramatics didn't hurt either!)

I also LOVED that this was a school project.
Everything was done at school, which was very obvious.

Some of the "interesting facts" I learned yesterday:
The black bear and the gorilla are animals that live together in the forest.
The food chain for the grasslands...The lion eats the elk.

Like I said, Loved it!


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of JR. That little 7 year old up there teaching a power point lesson. MR

GS said...

Way to go JR - wish I could have seen it. And that would be 7, but almost 8, moving swifty to 18, I am afraid. Congratulations, you have some very proud grandparents!