Sunday, May 22, 2011

Final Kicks

Kyle and Reed had their last soccer game yesterday.
Kyle played about 1 minute (he LOVES practice, but could take or leave playing in the actual game).
Reed played the entire time.
This is my favorite picture of the day.

Check out Reed.
Teeniest-tiniest one out there, but right in the middle, and pushing those big kids back.

I also love that Kid To The Far Left obviously has more important matters to be worrying about than getting to the ball.


Anonymous said...

What a story that picture tells.

What a story that picture tells.
That Reed ....what a team player! MR

GS said...

GO REED - GO REED - GO REED!!! Oops, thought for a minute I was at the game.

Anonymous said...

College soccer scholarship in the future????? Never know what tomorrow will bring---their interests change fast!!! Enjoy the moments!!!
