Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Candy Pony Store

When we lived in China we used to go a lot of places with our friends, Andy and Katie. Whenever we would get in the car to go somewhere their daughter, Madeline, would ask where we were going, and Andy would reply, "We're going to the Candy Pony Store." (Madeline loved My Little Ponies at the time.) For us, the term "Candy Pony Store" has stuck, and evolved into this mythical place where you can buy anything or do anything you want. Well, sadly for JR, his Candy Pony Vacation comes to an end tomorrow. I've been calling and getting reports from Candy Pony Land (AKA as MawMaw and PawPaw's house) and it's pretty apparent JR has been having a fabulous time since all I can get him to say to me is, "Hi Mommy, Bye Mommy!"
The night before he left for Candy Pony Land, we sat JR down and gave him some strict rules he needed to follow while he was gone. Now, Jason and I both know that my mom and dad are going to let JR do whatever JR wants to do, so we did our best to make sure and give rules we thought they could actually follow.
Rule #1- No ice cream for breakfast
Rule #2- Only 1 Sprite a day
Rule #3- Remember to say 'Yes, Sir/No, Sir/Yes, Ma'am/No, Ma'am
Rule #4- Remember to say your prayers before you eat
JR, I hope you've followed your rules (not that MawMaw would tell me if you haven't) And no, you can't live at Candy Pony Land. You'll have to come home with us. We'll see you tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

J R has followed all his rules even the tv rules of which shows he could watch. He is so much fun. Has read over 50 books and learned to play Monopoly without cheating his head off (as he does in your old 1976 Candy Land.) Everybody needs a "Candy Pony" Store! Maw Maw

Anonymous said...

I love that--"Candy Pony Store". I know all those that currently reside there are having a grand time!

Kristi said...

I know JR is having a blast!!!