Sunday, March 15, 2009

We've Got The Look

I was thinking our transformation into "locals" was getting closer each day. Saturday we headed up to the mountain for some skiing, and bought our season passes for next year. We get to use them the rest of this year since there's only a few weeks left, and of course we thought we looked pretty cool with our passes hanging around our necks. We also did a truly local thing and brought our lunch. The food on the mountain isn't that good, and with a slice of pizza and a Coke costing about $20, you see all the locals brown-bagging it. So as I was skiing around Saturday with my season pass around my neck and my backpack of lunch on my back, I had an Elle Wood's in Legally Blonde moment where I said to myself, "I totally look the part!"
But as Elle wasn't fooling anybody in her first class, I guess Jason and I weren't either. We were standing and talking about which run to take next. Just so happened there was a black run (the hardest kind for you non-skiers) right in front of where we were standing. About that time a guy skied up to us, pointed his ski pole to the right and said, "Um, you guys are going to want to go that way." Really? It's that obvious? We weren't even in motion and he knew we could never do that run. Oh well, at least my ski jacket is cute!


Kristi said...

I'm sure you are still labeled as 'those Texans that don't have an Obama sticker on their vehicles', so it probably was pretty obvious to him! ;)

Friedt Family said...

I think looking the part really is the most important thing, don't you?! He must have just overheard you saying that you were just STARTING to feel like locals and that's why he directed you to the other run!!

Anonymous said...

What does he know anyway - he probably tells all the locals that just to make them think he is better. Cute is much more important and I know you all were the best looking locals on the mountain!