Thursday, December 3, 2009

Buyer Beware!

I made our Christmas cards on Snapfish earlier this week and went to pick them up today. Now I'm not going to say where I was, but y'all know what stores you can pick Snapfish up from, and you also know I live in a town with very minimal "chain" stores.
So, I rolled my cart full of babies, who were laughing and waving at passersby, back to the photo section and started to check out.
The cashier rang up $158.00.
Excuse me?!
Me: $158.00?! These were supposed to be $80.00.
Snarky Cashier: Um, they're $158.00. You ordered the 5x7 cards.
Me: I know I did, but Snapfish said they should be $80.00
Nice Random lady: Ma'am, You're boys are throwing things out of your purse onto the floor.
Me: Oh, Thank you.
I'm now picking up purse items off the floor and shoving them back in.
Me: I can't believe this. These are supposed to be $80.00.
A manager happens to walk up.
Manager: Did you pay for them on Snapfish?
Me: No. But they emailed me a receipt showing me how much they would cost. I even used an online coupon.
Manager: Well, I guess you should have paid for them on Snapfish.
Me: Can I fill out some kind of price dispute?
Snarky Cashier: You don't have to take them.
(So your store's just going to eat the cost?)
Me: No, I want them. I just don't want to pay $158.00 for them.
At this point I look at the package and see they've charged me $1.47 per Christmas card. Now, if I'm spending $1.47 per card, I'd better look like Heidi Klum walking the Victoria's Secret fashion show. (And I can assure you, I do not.)
Snarky Cashier then goes and plays around with her scanner/pricer and says: Oh. Somebody priced this wrong. They charged you for 5x7 photos, not cards.
Another Lady Standing Next To Me: Oh, I'm so glad you got those for $80.00! I was hoping you were right!

A few added comments from this experience:
1. Had I not kept pressuring these people, I would have had to pay $78 more than I was supposed to.
2. I never got an apology for the pricing mistake. Not from Snarky Cashier or the manager.
3. It's hard to look intimidating and haggle over prices when I've got a shopping cart full of babies tossing personal items out of my purse.


Jill said...

I would've wanted to throw up! Good for you for continuing to push. It's hard to admit mistakes, especially big companies! And I had to laugh at the picture of the boys throwing stuff. Thank you children for comic relief!

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Your German Jew genes kicked in, thank goodness. Maw Maw

GS said...

It may have been hard to the put pressure on with the babies throwing your purse items around, but obviously you succeeded - way to go!! Next time maybe the boys can attack the consumer trap items on the racks near the register, it may not get any better results, but it would make up for the lack of appologies offered.