Sunday, January 31, 2010


I have to live vicariously though my friends that dress their daughters in hair bows, tutus, and pink leopard print. But today, I'm happy to present to you, my version of cutesy dress up. Seriously. You can't imagine how excited I was when I found matching shirts in their sizes. (Um actually, yeah, you probably can.) So without further ado, I give you duded up-Ingy style.
Oh! And it gets better. After JR noticed what everybody was wearing he said, "Why are the babies dressed like me? I don't want them copying my style." My Style! JR thinks he has a style. My heart is beaming.


GS said...

Of course JR has his own style - there is no other like him! Precious picture.

kyle and robin said...

adorable!! I love that girly clothes talk about princesses and cupcakes and boy clothes are about dirt bikes :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with you: "Matchy Matchy: Woo Hoo" MR

Anonymous said...

I'm with you too---totally understand what you mean, trying to buy "matchy matchy" for Caleb and Cole is also next to impossible.
Cute pix