Saturday, March 20, 2010

Check Us Out Elsewhere

Kyle: We're back! Mommy hasn't let us write a post in forever!
Reed: And guess what else?
Kyle: Mommy took us swimming.
Reed: Swimming! And best of all, she let us meet up with our girlfriend, Norah.
Kyle: It was a swim date.
Reed: You can see really cute pictures of us, especially me, and read all about it at Norah's Mommy's blog.
Kyle: We better hurry back to bed because Mommy will be super mad if she finds out we were up late!
Reed: Later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came across this blog looking up fear of face painting. I'm surprised I found anything at all, really. When I was a kid I would freak out when my parents or teachers came anywhere near me with face paint. To this day I still dislike face paint and it has carried over to a small dislike of makeup as well. I usually tell girls that they're prettier without the makeup because it can still give me shivers getting the stuff on or near me. I realize that this isn't the post related to the face paint, but I wasn't sure if you would check on a post made 2 years ago for comments anymore. Just wanted to let you know that there is someone else out there that shares your son's fear.