Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tiny Elvis

We have a naked problem in our house. (Or as I say with my Texas accent a "neh-kid" problem.) Of course, JR still goes by his superhero name, Shirtless Wonder. But now Kyle refuses to keep his clothes on too. He's gone to sporting my least favorite look "baby in just a diaper" at almost all times now. (Which is so unKyle, you'd think he'd be styling himself much more fashion forwardly.)
I went in to check on them after they'd gone to bed, and there was Kyle, again in only a diaper... pajamas on the floor. After a redressing, I think Kyle and I have come to a good compromise in sleeping attire. If I'm going to make him wear a "jumpsuit", I guess the least I can do is let him customize it after a legend. And by the look on his face, he's quite proud of his new Tiny Elvis get-up.


GS said...

Sort of resembles a close relative of his, where is the gold chain! What a precious cocky smile - it rings out "in my own way, I won".

Unknown said...

You don't like "baby in a diaper"? That is one of my favorites! Too sad... of course, that could explain a few things at my house...