Monday, July 19, 2010

Another Apology

I have a little apology to make.

Living below sea level most of my life, I had "altitude running" built up as the end-all-be-all of athleticism. So when I went out for my first run in Texas I was fully expecting to glide around with the ease of an Olympic marathoner. I took a bottle of water with me...just in case.
*Wink*Wink* (Cause, come on, I had been running in the Rocky Mountains. I was an athletic specimen to be beheld.)

My water ran out at mile 3 and I puffed back home with my tail between my legs.

So to you, Heat, and especially you, Humidity, I'm sorry. I salute you.

With my CamelBak full of water, I set out to run the "Too Hot to Handle" with my sorority sisters, Kelly and Marcia. We love a good costume, but even we knew the need to be practical in this kind of situation. Luckily our matching, "Yep, I'm hot!" tanks got lots of giggles.

What you might not believe is that we weren't the only crazies that showed up to run. They capped the race at 3,000 people! Here are our fancy shoe tags to record our times since it takes awhile to even get to the starting line with that many people.

And although it was hot, we had so much fun. We ran together, finished together, and of course...sweated together!

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