Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wow, This is Dorky

Before I start I just want everybody to know that, yes, I'm very aware of the nerdyness of this post.
My obsession all started because JR really loves puzzles. He's good at them, but it's hard to find ones that are challenging enough without being crazy hard. I bought him a 750 piece puzzle for his birthday thinking it might fit the bill. He had fun working on it, but there was no way he was going to finish it anytime in the next 5 years. So while JR was visiting the other grandparents in Houston, I decided that I'd do most of the puzzle for him, then he could just swoop in and finish it up.
Yeah, um, I got a little too into this puzzle.
I literally had dreams about it. The night my mom and I finished it not only were we crawling around on our hands and knees looking for missing pieces, but I had her lift the dinning room table up so I could look under the base. (She's surprisingly strong for a woman her age. Which since I was 25 this year, makes her 40. Sorry, Mom, if I made you too old.) Oh, and did I mention that we were doing all this at 1:30 in the morning. Yeah, I'm admitting the craziness. Obviously there was no JR swooping in at the end, cause I was finishing this baby. We never found 7 of the pieces (not that I was counting or anything) but with two little ones that also love to "help", I think we did pretty good!

So it is with my greatest pleasure I present to you: One Hundred Dogs and a Cat

Thanks for looking cause if I hadn't posted this, I might have had to glue it together and hang it on my wall.


Anonymous said...

Great job! It is hard to find appropriate puzzles, either way too easy or 750 pieces! Way to go Jan and Margaret.

Jo said...

Okay that is too funny. Did JR mind that you finished the puzzle for him or did you take some of the pieces out before he go home? Anna would have freaked out at me.

Friedt Family said...

Wow! Nice work! BTW, I would have TOTALLY been up until 1:30 with you to finish it, I'm like that with books too. I've been known to stay up all night reading a good book:-) Nerdy? Maybe but who cares:-)

Stacy said...

My mom and I LOVE puzzles!!! My kids like them too...and I must confess, I have gone a little crazy getting them puzzles! And yep...I have been known to work them without the kids!