Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's A Big Day

So do you know what today is?
It's a pretty big day.

I have officially been on the wagon for one month!
Oh yes, I have.

Not one Coke product has touched my lips.
(I miss you most, Vanilla Coke Zero.)

Has it been easy?
No way, Jose!

I may or may not have actually bent down and sniffed Jason's Diet Coke the other night. 
And I also may or may not have gotten so close to it that the little carbonated bubbles might have almost touched my face.
And let me just say, if I did bend down for a sniff....It smelled A-MAY-ZING.

But sadly, my drinks still look exactly like they did a month ago.
and the worst of all....



Anonymous said...

I gave up after about 4 days, but after I drink my last 8 Dr. Peppers, I'm going to give it another whirl. You've inspired me. Maybe one of those cute glasses would help. MR

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you!

Angie Vik said...

Good for you. Your bones will thank you. To keep yourself inspired, google the dangers of carbonated beverages.

leiamarie82 said...

I haven't had caffeine in about ten years...until this month. I literally started drinking Dr. Pepper in the morning since the New Year because I'm single-momming it for six months, and my children have both decided to give up sleeping. BLAH.