Friday, February 11, 2011

Fashion Fabulous Friday

So, of course, no sooner had I published last week's post about how JR could care less what he wears, he came to me and told me he wanted to dress up for the Snowdown parade (which was two hours away).
The Snowdown theme this year was a monster theme, and I quickly got nervous since I knew I didn't have anything "scary" in the prop closet.

But then I started thinking I might be able to whip up a vampire costume.

Luckily, I had the 75% off after Halloween at WalMart magicians costume handy.  (I wouldn't have even known a $3 magicians costume existed if it wasn't for my blog friend, Leia, mentioning that she bought it for her son even though it went against her "not raising dorks policy".)

And since vampires of today are more beautiful than scary anyway, it was actually pretty easy:
JR put on the cape from the $3 dorky magicians costume.
I covered his face in sparkly eyeshadow (so he'd "sparkle" in the sunlight).
Put some dark eyeshadow under his eyes so it would look like he "needed to eat".
Tousled his hair with some gel.
And voila'...
When we finished I said, "Wow JR, you look like a vampire. Actually, you look like Edward.  Do you know who Edward is?"
JR: Of course, he's from Eeeee-clipse!
(How he knows that I have no idea. I'm guessing school/TV commercials)
Me: Oh. Well, I'm glad you don't want to be Jacob.  I have no idea how to draw 6-pack abs on you.

But seriously, check out how Edwardy JR looks.
I'm thinking I might need to take up a career in movie make-up!


Shelly said...

Wow! If there were an "Edward as a boy" scene in those movies JR would totally get the part! Too bad vampires are ageless...

GS said...

WOW - I am totally impressed!!!! And I must add, you did have a mighty handsome speciman to work with.

Jill said...

He's a handsome boy! Good job mama!

Unknown said...

Nice work Momma!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie. I want an autographed 8x10 of that picture. MR