Thursday, July 16, 2009

Scenes From Windy Hill Farm

Or as we say in East Texas....Pictures from Mama and Daddy's house.

Here's Kyle's Little House on the Prairie picture. And BTW, guess which family member is a huge LHOTP fan (hint: it's not me or the kids!)

Windy Hill is an official Texas Historic Farm...100 years in the same family.

trying to stay cool in the house

chasing roosters

petting Honey

PawPaw and Kyle

Big Wheeling it

dogs and birds

The day it looked like it would rain...but it didn't.

Almost all the boys...Reed wouldn't picture pose that day.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing pictures from Windy Hill. I wish I could have been there to visit with you. Love the pictures of the boys with the fowl of the farm! Have a safe trip back to Colorado.
Love ya....

Granny S said...

Great Windy Hill pictures of all.