Wednesday, September 3, 2008

From Juice To Caboose

When I picked JR up from school yesterday he was pretty excited about their weekly change of "jobs".
JR: Mommy, Guess what I'm in charge of this week.
Me: Oh JR, You're not in charge of juice anymore.
JR: No. I'm the ca-boo-sss
(I take a few seconds to figure out the last word he's just said.)
Me: Oh! The caboose. How exciting!
(I'm now thinking how ingenious his teacher is to make the kids think being last in line is a special treat for the week.)
JR: Yes. I'm the caboose. When we line up, nobody is allowed behind me.
Me: What would you do if somebody did get behind you?
JR: They're not allowed. They know I'm the caboose.
Me: Do you miss being in charge of juice?
JR: No, but I would like to be the napkin helper.
Me: Oh, the napkin helper does sound like fun. What job do you not want to do?
JR: The weather helper. All you get to do is look out the window. They never get to change the weather because it's always sunny and hot. I would like to be the weather helper if it was raining. Then I could change the picture.
Me: Yeah, the weather doesn't change much this time of year. But, I'm sure excited about you getting to be the caboose.
JR: Yes! Nobody gets behind me!


Anonymous said...

What an ingenious teacher to think of the "caboose". JR is very serious about about those jobs. Very funny. Maw-maw

Anonymous said...

You go JR - That's a big job - too bad more people don't feel the same about bringing up the rear - it is not near as bad as it sounds when "ya put it thataway"!

Kristi said...

that is a very smart teacher, indeed! Glad to hear JR is liking school!