Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Now That's Some Serious Pressure

I really don't consider myself a high adventure gal. I guess some would say I've done some pretty high adventure things (I'm thinking moving to Communist China with a 7 month old would count), but as far as extreme sports type things, I have no desire. I do enjoy more "medium adventure" things like riding on the 4-wheeler, a jet ski, or riding Jason's sidecar. Notice I said "riding", not "driving". So when Jason decided I should be the one to take JR snowmobiling with Gary and Anita (while he stayed home with the babies), I was a little nervous. And very quickly I went from nervous to feeling some serious pressure.
They lined up all the snowmobiles and I was to follow the guide, and right behind me was Anita. Now, had I had one of my other silly, giggly girlfriends behind me I wouldn't have felt any pressure. I would have cared less if we'd held up the line, laughed when we stalled the snowmobiles, and felt comfortable that neither of us would have any idea what we were doing. But Anita's not my typical, giggly girlfriend. She rides her own Harley and had her own sidecar in Beijing. And she likes to go fast. We did a sidecar ride to the Great Wall and I've seen first hand that she doesn't like getting stuck behind somebody slow. So yeah, I was under some pressure. When we stopped for a break and Anita told me I was doing a good job, I was so relieved and empowered I was even able to restart my own snowmobile! And to make the day even more perfect, JR told Jason I was faster than him (Jason) and "did the jumps bigger". I am woman snowmobile driver...Hear me roar!
(Although I'll be happy to go back to being the rider anytime!)

JR and Madison enjoying our break.

I did let JR drive when we got to an open field area. This is my view from behind JR. And to be fair to Jason, JR reported that Daddy let him drive faster than I did.

More JR at the wheel. (Sorry Grandmothers for JR's face being cut off, my arms just aren't long enough for self portraits.)


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun. MR

GS said...

What a great time. I'll tell you one thing, for Texans, you guys are really adapting to the snow fun things (and even the not so fun things like getting stuck). Love the pics - happy faces with snow and sunshine in the back ground - what more can you ask for