Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow Okay

After checking the Weather Channel and seeing snow forecasted until Thursday I really felt like saying, "That's enough. Thanks, but I'm good."

But then today I found some forgotten snow pictures I'd taken on my phone, and I had a little change of heart.

Yes, Snow, you're quite pretty. Very pretty, in fact.
So, okay, you win.
Go ahead and do your thing.
But seriously, if I get stuck again, I might be having a few choice words with you!

JR in his new ski outfit. The zipper broke on his old coat, and this little ensemble was just too cool to pass up. He told us that a "big kid snowborder" even told him he liked his pants!

This was from Snowdown weekend. There were tons of balloons taking off as I was driving JR up to the mountain for Snowburners. This was the best I could get. Texting and driving is illegal in Colorado now, so I'm pretty sure taking pictures of hot air balloons while your driving would also fall under that category.

I literally made my children pose in a random parking lot because I thought the trees covered in snow were pretty. There was a guy walking to his car about that time who gave me a giggle. It's times like that I might as well have "Native Texan" written across my forehead. (Don't get me wrong, I love being a Texan, it's just when I do stuff like this people can figure it out before I open my mouth.)


Anonymous said...

Love the new ski outfit. Those glasses really make a statement. MR

GS said...

For those of us getting nothing but rain, cloudy and then more rain, all that snow sure is pretty. Oh, and I forgot, we do get the treat of an occasional freeze, imagine that.

JR that is the coolest ski outfit I have ever seen!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Winter!!! I'm tired of it too---we just had two days of snow--blew out the driveway twice yesterday and it's full again today. No schools open either.
But-t-t-t- Spring must be coming someday, probably April!! Love the pictures of the boys!!