Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cultural Awareness

So here's another little lesson in Chinese culture for you.  Of course, as with most anything that comes from me, this isn't a hard and fast documented rule, just something Jason and I observed.

Chinese people don't like to eat with their hands.

Think about it.  Can you name any Chinese finger foods? 
 And fortune cookies don't count.  There's no such thing as a fortune cookie in China.

It does make sense. In a country with a billion people spitting, going to the bathroom, and blowing their nose tissue-less right there on the street, it would be healthier to never even put your hands near your mouth.

KFC is a big deal over there, but the whole eating chicken with your hands thing just throws them for a loop.  Jason and I have watched them eat it while holding it in a napkin, wearing their own personal disposable gloves, and our fav...with chopsticks.

So I wasn't surprised at all when I found Kyle enjoying his breakfast of Lit'l Smokies like this:

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