Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Packing, Bugs, and The Pope

I'm here "watching" JR at karate. They're punching and kicking at scarves, which is actually quite hilarious. I've been trying to get things washed and packed up for the big trip. I told JR I was going to miss him while he was gone and he told me, "Don't worry Mommy, I will be gone 10 days and then on the 11th day I will come home." All the while he's telling me this, he's petting me like I'm a dog. Awww, he can be so sweet. I talked to his teacher and his bus driver today so they know what's going on. His teacher told me that JR hadn't even mentioned the trip. I said, "yeah, he's not really understanding the magnitude of it". He's been much more worried about his lunch kit that he lost. Luckily for all of us, the lunch kit was found. He had mistakenly taken it with him when they went to see "Bugs on Wheels" since they went right after lunch. Best I can tell, "Bugs on Wheels" is a mobile bug demonstration. He was telling me about all the insects he saw, and quickly informed me that "we also saw a spider, but a spider isn't an insect because it has 8 legs and only 2 parts to its body-a head and an abdomen, no thorax". At least he's paying attention in class!
I'm going up to stay with my parents while the big guys are gone. The babies are super excited since PawPaw says he's got his rocking chair ready. They do have Internet access up there in the back woods of East Texas, so I'll be able to update my blog. You can keep up with us out on the pasture, and the big guys out on the Savannah.
As I close today, I would like to say a huge thank you to The Pope. Mr. Pope, I'm not a Catholic, but I have enjoyed your trip to the US more than you can imagine. I can't tell you how refreshing it has been to have you as the top news story of the day. I actually watched almost a whole newscast before I had to look at O-what's his name or Hillary. I even saw President Bush on TV since you were with him. Thank you, Mr. Pope! Do you think you could stay a little bit longer?


Anonymous said...

First trip to Windy Hill. I'm excited. It won't be the same w/o JR tho. Maw-maw

Anonymous said...

That is too funny about JR telling you it is going to be OK - when Jason was there, I got really worn out on all the hunting and the dead animals and I went behind a tree one day and just cried (could have been a little homesick too), but Jason came up to me and patted me on the shoulder telling me "it's OK mommy, there's lots more animals out there". Guess at that age, they don't want mommy upset!

Granny Sherry