Thursday, April 24, 2008

Toy Trilogy Part III

Final Edition: Toys That Aren't Around Anymore

As you can imagine today’s edition is super short since none of my toys were really ever thrown away. But, there are 2 items that made the list.

Toy #1- My Kitchen
Here’s my kitchen in its day. I believe I was around 3 in this picture. I always say that I’m not a cook now because I “burned myself out on cooking when I was little”. I would “cook” all day long, and when my parents got home from work I would announce whose birthday it was and then we would have a birthday party and “eat” everything I had cooked all day. What happened to my kitchen you ask? Well, when I outgrew it, my cousin, Kristi, inherited it…and then her little sister Sarah. (They must have practiced cooking on it just the right amount, because they are both great cooks.) After Sarah outgrew it, it was just worn out. The kitchen wasn’t strong enough to make the trip back to my parents’ attic.
And, yes, I know today’s toy kitchens are way more fabulous. They have microwaves and burners that light up…I think some even speak to you in English and Spanish. But, that was a great kitchen in its day. And it brought 3 little girls lots of fun times. (Kristi, if you have pictures of you and/or Sarah playing with the kitchen post them on your blog and I’ll add a link.)

Toy #2- My Big Wheel
I don’t have a picture of my Big Wheel; I only have a picture of the replacement big wheel type toy that my parents got JR. (He also has a regular Big Wheel at home that Granny Sherry got him.) I know what you’re thinking… What could have possibly happened to the Big Wheel? It must be a story of catastrophic proportions! Why, yes, it is. One day after riding my Big Wheel around, I chose to leave it in the driveway behind Pam-Pam’s car (Pam-Pam was my aunt.) instead of putting it away in the garage. I went in the house and completely forgot about my Big Wheel, until I heard a loud crunch and squealing tires. Yep, my Big Wheel had been run over. I know all my family members are laughing right now because they know that there is no way my Big Wheel could have ever survived being run over by one of Pam-Pam’s car. (She always drove a big tank of a car.) So, the Big Wheel was no more. And I guess I probably should have learned a good lesson about putting things away when you’re finished with them, but as Jason (and anybody else who has ever lived with me) will tell you, I’m still not so good at that.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the kitchen didn't survive the years because it knew it really wasn't wanted. Who needs a kitchen anyway. When you have done your time in them like you did at 3 years old, you shouldn't have to do any more. The kitchen would have been off territory for the boys anyway. It did it's years!! Now the big wheel - everybody needs one of those - that was a tragic ending!!!!

Granny Sherry

Anonymous said...

Kristi and Sarah enjoyed the "hand me down" kitchen tremendously. When they finished with it, it went to my attic for a while--I asked Uncle John if he wanted it back and he said NO. Imagine that..It was great fun! (I will look for some pictures)
I have enjoyed the toy trilogy. Lu

Kristi said...

I LOVED that kitchen! It certainly did get in plenty of playing time!